"Of Foster Homes and Flies" and "Wallflower" are two of my favourite books from the past few years and it is a joy to see him cutting loose in these two short stories. Lutzke knows how to create a darkness that blurs the harsh edges of his monsters; allowing readers the opportunity to get closer to the monsters contained within. This time his monsters are hungry for blood.
In his Double Barrel Horror offering from Pint Bottle Press, Lutzke offers two very different stories that allow him to show how hardcore he can get. "Punk Rock Re-Animator" is a first-person account of a virgin concert goer's reluctant trip to a Punk Rock club that takes full advantage of the small print on the back of the concert tickets. The slow build-up is even-paced and steady and leads readers towards an explosive ending that will please even the most fastidious of the Elder Gods in this fun, bloody, Lovecraftian homage.
A nosey neighbour with voyeuristic tendencies watches a local bully get what is coming to him in, "Holes", the second offering from Lutzke in this short collection. Lutzke allows readers to peer through his binoculars in this brilliantly crafted first-person account of a voyeur with questionable morals watching other people with questionable morals doing things to a person with questionable morals. The tension is thick and Lutzke is at his best in this gore-soaked revenge thriller as he snares readers into his web of horrific realism. Don't even get me started on the ending on this one... Just read and enjoy.
Lutzke's ability to create a kinetic atmosphere with realistic characters is evident in these shorter stories just as much as his longer ones. He doesn't force anything and easily engages his readers into a weird bond with his characters. Lutzke is a natural story-teller who can move his stories along at any pace and bloodthirsty readers will be well rewarded with these juicy morsels from an author future generations will be calling a "Master of Horror."
Matt Weber chose wisely in his decision to add Lutzke to the growing roster of Double Barrel Horror authors. With K.Trap Jones, The Sisters of Slaughter, Patrick Freivald and many others, this series is available in two collections or individually by the author so there is no excuse for any reader to be empty handed this Halloween season.
-Cory Cline
Get your copy Here!
Multiply the fun and get the whole collection Here!
Be sure to check out Chad's website Here!
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