Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Book Review- Mr. Mercedes by Stephen King

Mr. Mercedes is a great noir style thriller with an evil and twisted protagonist who pushes our hero to the brink in this impressive book by Uncle Stevie. 

Is it King's best work? Not really. I think we all have our favorites, but this book is very good. Don't expect to find any monsters under the bed in this tale. The monsters only appear in flesh and blood, and King is writing in full color. The characters are great, in fact, I look forward to reading the other books King has planned for the series. The villain is a twisted, douchey, momma's boy who will raise the hair on the back of your neck as effectively as Pennywise, only in a this shit can really happen kind of way. 

King can write anything. I would be convinced he is a robot if he wasn't so good at capturing human nature in his pages, as he proves here he can mimic any style of writing while maintaining the form he is known for. There are a few slow areas, but they felt needed and were appreciated and done well. King is a master storyteller and he does not disappoint. 

You may not hide under the sheets while reading this one, but you will make sure your doors are locked! 

I'm not going to post a link- if you need help finding a recent Stephen King novel, I suggest moving!

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