Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Book Review- Muerte Con Carne by Shane McKenzie

Shane McKenzie serves up a plateful of well-prepared exotic horror that Rolaids will never be able to soothe. This book is gory, twisted, humorous, and highly entertaining!

A couple takes a trip to Mexico to film a documentary on how terrible the plight of the immigrant can be. They are hoping to be caught and sent to jail in Mexico, but they will soon wish they were behind bars as their trip soon leads them to the sickest family since Leatherface's family reunion. You get Taco's that taste too good to be true, a wrestler that would sell out any WWE pay-per view event.. but never allowed back, and a family that would never yell at you for playing with your food.

Shane has a twisted sense of humor and it shows in his writing. His characters are likable, believable, and some are quite twisted. The story moves along at a good pace, perhaps a bit slow in the beginning but when the action comes, he brings it like Hulk Hogan calling for the approval from the Hulkamaniacs.

If you enjoy a twisted, gory horror story with a splash of humor then do not hesitate in purchasing this book! You will not be disappointed!

Go check out Shane's Amazon page for more great books!

-Cory Cline

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